Friday, November 30, 2007

when you wish upon a star

*I wish I didn't make things so complicated.
*I wish the path to making things right was lined with little white stones and clearly sign-posted.
*I wish everyone believed in magic.
*I wish I were better at re-using things creatively.
*I wish whining was actually a hard thing to do.
*I wish I had curly hair.
*I wish that no child in the world ever went hungry.
*I wish that everyone had a meaningful job that they enjoyed.
*I wish I could see the unseen.
*I wish to see justice roll like streams down the mountains and flood the earth.

Monday, November 26, 2007


So, November has been quite a month! We kicked things off with a weekend of celebration. A big bonfire, my 25th birthday, and fireworks. Here's Rosie and I at the bonfire, Adri and I at the girl's birthday coffee where I had the best hot chocolate in the world!

Mid month I got my hair cut entirely too short. And although this picture is rather cool, I don't like it! We also had a week of prayer but I can't get the pictures of the prayer room to upload, so possibly more on that later.

Last week we had Mission Week and Rosie and I got to go to Ireland! We had a lovely time and the trip deserves it's own post, but here is a picture of me with our lovely host Amy at Starbucks.

I've been dreadfully lax in posting this month for which I am sincerely sorry. And I know this doesn't really cover all that has happened, but hopefully it gives a general idea and there will be more to come!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

all saints day

This video is a friend of mine, one of the worship leaders of my church in Charlotte, telling the story of our friend Steven. He died five years ago, today. I can honestly say that his death changed my life. Today, on the day set aside to remember those who have gone before us, I hope and pray that his story and John Mark's song change yours.